Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hello World!

Since January, I’ve been in cahoots with my two main manuscripts. Age of Eden is yet again, in another round of historical edits and I am putting the finishing 8k words in The First 22. Not to mention, I’ve been working on perfecting our query letters for both manuscripts…which is a PAIN in the NECK.

There is no subtle way to put it. I’ve put myself through a hundred different versions of them both and in the end; they both sound exactly the same as they did when I first started this never-ending querying journey. Can’t I just for once, get lucky, and win a query critique so someone will rip, grind, punch, push and pull it to pieces? I need an agent to tell me why it works and why it doesn’t.

I’ve started the earlier shift at work again, so hopefully this will help with my writing…I always feel more creative first thing in the morning before I get distracted by agent query, Nathan Bradford’s blog, query tracker, etc. Which is easy to do, seriously. And all I really want to do is to take another writer’s retreat to the lake and write my butt off…but unfortunately, I’m saving for a vacation and my husband isn’t completely sold on weekend getaways. But, maybe I can talk him into it….I really need it.

Okay, back to the mundane rumblings of my inner muses…I better get back to it. I hope everyone has a great day!