And I have come to the conclusion that the holidays are a
time for slumps. Maybe it’s because of the cold weather…or for the fact that I
am tired of reading my own crap. Either way, I’m going to hound myself until
Christmas...I hope to pump out 10k words a week. Ambitious you say?
Absolutely…between watching my niece, making Christmas cookies, I stay pretty
On the bright side, I just learned that Miss Kentucky reads
my blog. I know this because she attended our local Bowling Green Christmas
Parade and when she saw me, she ran up to me and hugged me. Then confessed
that she’s been keeping up with my small and minuscule writing career. I was in
awe that our little local celebrity had been keeping an watchful eye. I hope I
don’t disappoint!
In the next few days, I’m hoping to post quite a bit more…probably
some of my one liner ideas…actually. How about I post one now? It will keep you
pining for more! Here goes nothing…
“I heard the sound of metal plowing into flesh before I saw
the blood on the window in my rearview mirror.”
See…great one liners. I hope everyone has a great week!