Monday, October 24, 2011

Post-NaNoWriMo Publishing Information

Yesterday, at our first regional NaNoWriMo meeting, I discussed a few writers’ conferences, websites and blogs at that I followed that would help everyone Post-Nano to get published. And so far this is what I have learned ‘that works’ to get someone published. Mind you, this is an abbreviated version of what I have learned in two years.
Attending Writer’s Conferences:
These are very beneficial, you get to meet other authors, aspiring writers and they offer lectures on procrastination, how to write in a certain genres and how to get published.
Kentucky has a FREE writer’s conference right here in Bowling Green; the next one is April 20, 2012. Here is a link to learn more about what the writer’s conference offers:
WriteOnCon is a FREE online forum where you can post your own manuscript and query letter to get critiqued by fellow writers.  It holds an annual online LIVE forum with numerous genre agents and well known authors that give their best kept secrets and advice on writing. They have the 2011 conference topics in the archives on the website—but mark your calendar for August 2012 so you can be a live participant and a chance to win prizes such as getting your manuscript critiqued by an agent. You can learn more here:
SCBWI-Society of Children’s Book Writer’s and Illustrations-It is NOT free. It is a paid membership, enrollment is $85.00. You also have to pay for the regional writer’s conference fees which usually range from $50.00 to $200.00 depending on what you participate in. But SCBWI is about networking yourself. Getting to know other writers who are interested in your craft. And their writer’s conferences usually include at least one literary agent in which you can provide a live “pitch” session to. So, there are many benefits in joining. You can learn more here:
Beneficial Websites:
If you haven’t already started combining a list of agents that you are interested in querying, I would recommend joining Query Tracker. A FREE online database and search engine that allows you to find the agents who represent your genre and it tracks the requests you get for your manuscript. You can also join the Query Tracker forum where you can post your own manuscript and query letter to get critiqued by fellow writers. You can learn more at:
Starting your own Blog:
This is a great place to start your SOCIAL NETWORKING PLATFORM. As I discussed in our meeting, most agents won’t even consider representing someone who doesn’t have an active writer’s platform. You don’t have to write every day, that’s the benefit of blogging. Just try to be consistent and write what you feel. You can learn more about starting your own blog at:
Blogs to follow:
Guide to Literary Agents by Chuck Sambuchino:
Making your own Website:
There are numerous places you can go online to make your own pre-fabricated website that doesn’t take a genius to figure out. My own personal website was FREE and I started it from Weebly. You can learn more at:
Twitter, Facebook and Google+
If you haven’t already, you should become a member of at least one of these…the more, the better. You can actually create one that is your “mainframe” and will repost it on the other social networking websites so you don’t have to manually post on each individual one.
Business Cards:
If you are serious about becoming a published author then you might try investing in business cards. Going to writer’s conferences and other group meetings like NANO, allows you to put your name out there. What better way to do that with your own personalized business card? You can get 200 business cards for less the $10.00 online at
I can’t even begin to express how important a Writer’s platform is—social networking and putting your identity out there for other people is the best way to get published. And start following authors and agents on twitter and facebook. Keep connected and informed about what is current in your genre. And from one writer to another, never stop writing.
Happy NaNoWriMo! I can’t wait for November 1st and Good luck to everyone!

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