On January 12th, 2011: Our Pages Aren't Numbered: A blog to record the literary journey of
two girls, their writing adventures, and the cliché road to living their dreams, we posted our first entry into the blogging world.
Between Jennifer and me, we posted 72 posts on different books, experiences, struggles, anticipations, musings about writing, and awkward ramblings about the literary world.
On October 1st, 2011: we introduced Tina into our ambitious writing group. From there, she sprouted her own wings and I’m proud to say is working on several novels.
We were then recording a journey of
three girls, their writing adventures, and the cliché road to living their dreams.
TODAY: I am proud to announce another addition to our lonesome trio, Rebecca a.k.a. my partner in crime, a.k.a. Beck or Becca. She was born and raised in Troy, Michigan. After college and after getting married, fate sent her to Kentucky where we met. She was a history teacher, who taught by day, but thirsted for historical love affairs at night. She finally gained the nerve to create her first masterpiece…she queried it and of course became discouraged with the literary world’s lack of interest. So, she started a new SNN and finished it, but never had the heart to carry that one out to publication.
We became best friends when she lived in Bowling Green and unfortunately, only after two years of living in Kentucky, she was forced to move back to Michigan where we have been in constant contact and where she has taken time off to raise her firstborn (and most awesome child in the world) Ryan.
Only in the last few months have the three of us encouraged Beck to continue on her literary journey. We set out on this mission to help each other and started that by participating in the Southern Kentucky Writer’s Conference. Becca flew in and we spent an entire weekend meeting authors and talking to them about getting published. One of our biggest moments was meeting Heather Graham. Since then Heather has become pen pals with Becca and has given her great advice like joining the Romantic Writer’s of America Society.
Now, Becca has become hell bent and determined to edit her first historical romance so it will be published and shown to the world. On Tuesday night, she attended her first RWA local meeting where she pitched her historical romance to an editor at Random House, and she requested a partial and synopsis for this book and the next two in the series (cross fingers).
Welcome Becca to the Fantastic Quattro! I’m so pleased you have joined us.
From this point forward,we are officially: Our Pages Aren't Numbered: A blog to record the literary journey of
four girls, their writing adventures, and the road to living their dreams.
With all that said, the last year and a half has been extremely challenging. We have all had our ups and downs but now, maybe, just maybe we can all get in sync with a writing schedule that will make us more productive and better yet, we will have a tight knit support group who can help each other out editing and who can pick each other up, when we’re down.
And one last side note, we have assigned days of the week for blogging…
Stacey-Tuesday or Thursday
Stay tuned for updates and the daily muses of four aspiring writers. And thank you again for your loyal readership and for making this 100th post extra SPECIAL!