Friday, April 27, 2012

New and Awesome!

Nothing new and awesome to report today. On the upside, I made it to Michigan safely. But, unfortunately I was seated in first class with Chatty Kathy and all he wanted to do was chit chat about his job...blah, blah, blah. So, needless to say I still haven't finished Fifty Shades Freed.
I'm disappointed in this book for whatever reason I haven't been able to connect to it. Maybe it means that I need to pick up a new novel to read...or maybe it's just my subconscious screaming at me to finish my own freaking book. But, why would I want to do that when I have a list of books the size of the declaration of independence to read.
Working on my reapers book has suddenly become my priority. It seems like AOE, though the edits I made this week made it significantly better, it’s still going to take a crap ton more time and effort to get it finished and that is time and effort that I don’t have.
I’m thoroughly impressed with Becca. She is showing me up, for sure. Making my overachievingness look like a small itty bitty effort. She joined the Romantic Writers guild nationally and locally and she has already started outlining her other book and knows exactly what it’s going to take to make it prefect. I’m glad one of us is on the ball.
For Jennifer, she last mentioned that she was working on a new SNN called Olivia’s Ghost; I can vouch for the fact that I have read the WIP and it is awesome and has such potential. There is sooo much voice in her MC it is ridiculous.
Now, I’m going back to visiting my buddies in Michigan. Hopefully before next week I will get inspired to do some real writing.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Interrogate those chatty get your best supporting characters that way!