Thursday, May 24, 2012


    So, last week I finished Deanna Reybourn's The Dead Travel Fast.  After meeting Deanna at the SOKY writer's convention, and hearing the story line of some of her books, meeting her and her wondrous personality I was coerced to buy one of her books.  "Yeah my arm was really twisted." lol.
    Anyway, long story short, the book was awesome.  It was a quick plunge into, "Theodora Lestrange leaves her comfortable home in Edinburgh to visit Transylvania at the invitation of her childhood friend, Cosmina, now the betrothed of a Roumanian nobleman. Theodora arrives at the Castle Dragulescu to find that nothing is as she expected... 
     To be completely honest, the book was slow at the beginning, but not for long.  After the first chapter, the book starts to heat up early on.  The characters, and plot line had twist that I never saw coming.  It was quite a relief to not predict the story line, for the first time in a long time.  I definitely recommend this book to readers of all ages.  It is innovative, an easy read, and enticing.

1 comment:

Becca Johnson said...

I haven't read any of her stuff yet, eventhough I did buy a book. I haven't found the time. I am looking forward to it though.