Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Edits/Nano/#hash tags

It is official…I will have technically 27 days to write 50,000 words in November. Which averages out to be 1852 words per day—the good part is Jennifer, Tina, and I are going to do a few all day/all night write-on-thons in order to meet our word count.
But, before that … Jennifer and I have to somehow edit Age of Eden before November 1st. Our original goal was November 7th, but we have done some MASSIVE re-writes on the first six chapters that took a little longer than expected. So now, I’m finally on chapter seven so that means only eighteen more to go! Which averages to at least 3 chapters a day…either way, we are going to try our hardest to get it completed so during NaNoWriMo it can be distributed to our beta readers.
Cross your fingers and wish us luck. We are going to need it.
P.S. I have recently learned about the ‘hash tag (#)’ on twitter…funny thing is everything I say is important so does that mean I should start using a hash tag for everything? For instance “#Had a great night! #Drank many beverages! #Had a blast! Or do you consider that abusing the hash tag? LOL. I’m so philosophical, I scare myself sometimes.


Anonymous said...

LOL. I don't use hashtags that much but they're mostly for linking common things like... ZOMG I had so much fun at tonight's meetup! #bgnano

And then you can click on the hashtag for everything that was posted to the #bgnano hashtag. Or! You can use it for chatgroups in twitter! I think there is a YA group that has chats on Tues and Thurs and uses #YALitChat or something...so they'll post...

Hello everyone! Welcome to #YALitChat!

And people will post things like...

ZOMG I'm so happy tonight to be here in #YALitChat!


It's complicated but not. ^^;

No One said...

Good luck with NaNo!
I just entered the twitter world myself. It's way too early for hashtags. Are you on twitter?

Stacey Hays said...

Yes, I am on twitter @geogstacey
I know how to use hash tags and I can understand why they are beneficial but I felt like being a rebel and abusing the hash tag. #I rock for being a rebel! Thanks for the comments!