Thursday, June 14, 2012


On the 23rd, I leave for Daytona Beach and I will be back by the 29th. Yay for me! I finally get a vacation! On another note, the two following weeks after my vacation I am off work for our summer shutdown…that consists of two uninterrupted weeks of reading and writing. I plan on getting up every morning at seven to write on my newest SNN.

I have come to a realization about something…I know several writers including some of my favorite authors who realize that they can’t write a novel unless they use the BIC method, BUTT IN CHAIR!

They are getting sidetracked by social media and their own personal agendas instead of sitting their butts in a chair and writing. You can’t push someone to write…all you can do is allow them to have a “self-realization moment” when they realize that they are failing themselves and are standing in the way of their own success. They are procrastinating for no reason. If I didn’t have a job, or kids, or other important priorities I would be sitting my butt in a chair and getting this novel completed this week. But as is, not everyone has this advantage. I have responsibilities. I have tons of crap that I have to do so I can pay bills and live life which is why early in the mornings I have been dedicating to writing a few hundred to a few thousand words in my novel…except for the weekends. (I refuse to make myself work, write, or diet) Every day it takes me one step closer to being finished. And that’s exactly what I want.

I want the right to say I finished my OWN novel…yes, reapers is complete but edits and the lack of enthusiasm for a book that I have to keep shredding gets a bit discouraging. Now I have my new SNN and I am on the right course to achieving my goal. I’m over 12,000 words into WITH A VENGEANCE and have created character bios and a plot layout for the entire book. I know what the bun, meat, and cheese are in this book.

I’m ready. Are you? Are you ready to commit to your own writing success? Are you willing to put your BUTT IN A CHAIR and get your novel complete? Join me the week of JULY 2nd…where I will begin my five day twitterthon for the #BIC movement. Use the #BIC hash tag under twitter and keep up with my hourly updates of progress and post your own progress. As one person it’s hard to stay motivated but as a community of writer’s it will be easy! Dedicate today and join me on twitter July2nd for the #BIC Movement.

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