Friday, June 8, 2012

Constructive Criticism

Well, my pitch didn’t wow the publishers of Entangled. I did get some great feedback though. Basically, she really liked my idea, but not my first 100 pages. After reading over it, I agree. It isn’t actually my first 100 words of my book. I have a prologue. I went back and changed my first chapter and I think I made it a lot better.
I have been getting up for the past three weeks at 7am to work on my book for a few hours before Ryan wakes up. I am re-writing the ending to DREAMER. When I started my massive re-write a few months ago, I started with Chapter 17 and I wrote 3 chapters.  Then I put it down to finish off SEA OF PASSION. Last week when I opened up the file to get going on it again, my worst nightmare came true!  My file wouldn’t open, it said it was corrupt. I tried everything, which isn’t much because I am not computer savvy. So, I called my brother Troy who is a computer programmer. He couldn’t help me either. So, Monday night, I sat down and started from chapter 17 again. I have been moving along really quickly. I am up to Chapter 30 today!  I have 37 chapters outlined for the book.  So, then I get to go back through to re-read and edit it all over again.
 My goal is by next week when I blog to have the synopsis and first three chapters set to send off to agents and then I can hold my breath.


Elizabeth Seckman said...

Losing large chunks of work is my worst nightmare. Best of luck with the finish!

BR Myers said...

Everything happens for a reason. Good luck with your writing. Relax though and make sure you don't rush through the prof readin ;)

I really like your query for VENGENCE!
