Friday, June 1, 2012

What's next?

I finished editing my historical romance novel on Wednesday and I was at a loss for what to work on next. The question was answered for me when I got an e-mail about an editor for Entangled e-book publications, that was taking pitches yesterday only for adult romance or young adult with a romantic element. I sent in my pitch for my young adult paranormal, mystery romance. I still need to edit the end and change some things, but I am about a month away from it being finished. So, now I know what I want to work on next, while I am waiting with fingers crossed for good news on my historical romance!

Here is the pitch that I sent in…

DREAMER is a tale of secrets, unique abilities, and young love. Never been kissed Rory Adair is torn between twin brothers while trying to solve the disappearance of four missing women, by following the clues of her nighttime dreams that always come true. After Rory’s best friend Stacey becomes the fourth missing woman, she teams up with Bryce Wyatt, who has a secret ability of his own. Rory must sort through her feeling for the Wyatt brothers and find her friend before she loses them all.

First 100 words

The screen lit up with Ryan Gosling’s face.  I smiled to myself. I knew I was going to want to see this movie when it came to theatres.  I loved to watch the previews.

            “Rory, do you want any popcorn?” A male voice whispered into my right ear.

With my eyes still on the screen I shook my head no. If I ate popcorn I was going to be thirsty and then I would have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie.

I squirmed to get comfortable in my seat. My left hand was seized and held onto.


That’s it, 100 words is hard to show off your book!! I had to cut out a few lines just to make it to 100 words. It is actually 103.  I couldn’t cut out the beep…beep…beep!

 Time to get back to work now J


Elizabeth Seckman said...

best of luck!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I have a family thing then...I googled. Oh well, maybe next year! And are a great idea!